Article Summary
Looking at these facts and figures for rapid growth in these years it would be wise to mentionthat smartphone phone applications can ultimately lead to mass results for your uniqueproduct/service assistance.
But, Before the deep dive let's jump into the fundamentals of mobile app development.
Once you gather the thought of building a mobile application you'll come across a lot ofbrainstorming questions like:
In case you're having a hard time brainstorming about these queries, here is a step-by-stepguideline which might help our further clients to get a better set of understanding and make theright moves.
Here we have come along with a sum up of 9 most effective steps to boost your mobile appdevelopment game.
The primary stage of mobile app development comprises a fair discussion about the objective ofyour application as well as the technical and creative strategy needed to make it unique.
The strategy discussion generally takes place between our app development experts and theclients through phone calls or a one-on-one conversation. This discussion provides a better setof understanding which lets them carry the project further.
What do we expect from our clients?
Now what we expect from our clients are the basic details from your end such as:
As a modern-day app development company Creative hustlers, we believe in “A growthmindset comprising technical and creative assistance which leads to growth and driving100% ROI.”
Our Business development expert will contact you and provide you with a free consultationknowing all queries, objectives and requirements for your app development.
Knowing the details we will provide you with a WBS (work breakdown structure) best suitable foryour idea in the most budget friendly manner.
Jumping to the next step with a deep dive into the analytical insight of your business.
Once we know the vision of your business we get to a one-on-one discussion between theclients and the team members providing the best suitable guidance for app development.Our process in the meeting starts with the Quality Assurance team and test case availability.They understand the requirements better and once the required analysis and creative designget fixed QA initiates test case development.
Now, what is test case development?
Test Cases comprise only tiny phases which are effective in executing the expected result. A Test Scenario includes a comprehensive document of the testing procedure. It is theprocedure to test the exact functionality of the application.
They are relatively quick, cost-effective and require low resources and also define the resourcesand budgeting required for creating a real-time Mobile app.
Now after all of it is done it's to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) which is an agreementbetween the two parties stating each minor and major information to create transparency.
Most app development companies ignore this step but why do we feel it's a crucial part ofcreating better awareness and transparency between our clients and us.Majorly it avoids misinterpretations or miscommunication between the client and the appdevelopment company.
What is the part of the agreement?
After discussing the project details, the next step is to sign the NDA and then the real work onthe project begins.
The real work starts with assigning the work to the hustlers appointed.
An app wireframe is a simple way to iterate mobile apps. In simple words, a mobile appwireframe is a two-dimensional illustration that serves as a visual guide and clarifies how anapplication will function.
But, it can take place efficiently only if you know the requirements of your client and theapplication which can only be up to the mark through better communication and insight.
But here comes the question: why is it important?
An effective UI/UX arrangement makes the users stay and boost businesses which eventuallymakes you earn loyal customers. To make a successful mobile app you have to provide youraudience with a unique experience and friendly interface.
And how can we help you with it?
Now as you know how significant a unique interface stands to be out of the box. We would helpyou by understanding the demands of your target audience and their preferences and assist youwith making your app interactive and engaging.
Now, it comes to knowing and discussing all the possible factors with our clients and askingthem about :
And then design it keeping in mind the needs of the client as well as the target audience.
After knowing the basics, what do we deliver during this stage?
The sample deliverable consists of an app icon, splash screen (first screen), log-in, or sign-upform, and the home page. We prepare UI/UX options for you for satisfactory results.
After coming to a decision on the design and taking valuable feedback we work on the changes( if any) that need to be made.
After gathering the feedback we work on the mobile development process and make auser-friendly interface using Flutter or WordPress. Which helps us with a seamless experiencewithout writing a single code.
What cost does it take?
The app design cost fluctuates between $3000 to $30,000. This is a wide range thatdepends on a few components:
Let's take a look at the app design price breakdown based on these factors.
After discussing the cost cut down comes the next few technical parts i.e blending the front endand back end technologies.
After coming to the design of the app the task is divided to get the tech part into action i.eblending the front end and back end technologies.
What your users will see is the front end. The development that is required from the server is thebackend.
The process is divided into three major parts.
Front-end developers work on what the user will see while using an app while back-enddevelopers create the infrastructure that supports it.
To make a successful application the blend of front-end and back-end work is entirely crucial.Only the perfect blend of it can make the user experience interactive and effective.
The major responsibility of back-end developers is in building applications that can find andprovide data to the front-end.
There are a large variety of frameworks and languages used to code the app, such asJavaScript, Python, PHP, Ruby and C++.
Why is it important?
It's impossible to talk about back-end development without mentioning API. API enables theintegration of applications, software, database and services without much of a hassle.
In the app development process, the QA team and app development team are involvedthroughout till the process is over.
Here we come to the next important step of the app development.
When you decide to create a new app it's pretty obvious that you'll keep testing it. It benefits youin cost-cutting, bug-fixing and helps you create an efficient app.
Keeping in mind the type of app our QA Team aims to assist you to perform the necessary apptests to make sure the app works perfectly.
When we talk about app testing it's categorized into two parts: Functional and Non-Functionaltests.
A software testing process is utilized within the software development where software is testedto ensure that it adapts to all requirements.
For example- whether the user is able to login to the application.
It focuses on the quality assurance of app software primarily on the non-functional elementssuch as interface, speed security, usability etc.
Continuous testing takes place to fix all the bugs and assure a better user experience.
Initially, we conduct the unit test, and QA testing by adopting a black-box testing method that isgenerally conducted for functional testing.
This type of testing ensures no functional error while the app is live and ensures betteruser experience.
After the application is assumed to be 100 % bug-free and user efficient we submit the mobileapplication to our clients and term it user acceptance testing (UTA).
Once all the testing is done successfully it's time to launch your app on the App Store and playstore.
But, how to launch it?
Is there much hassle in making the app live?
Both the operating systems have strong policies for making the app live but our team of expertswho have already worked on several applications assists you to make it happen.
When it comes to making the app live on iOS and Android iOS review guidelines are quite a fewand take longer time than android to be live on the app store.
App releases on iOS include:
Once you submit all of it it takes a few days or weeks for the review process. Cooperating theguidelines iOS tests out where the app stands according to its standard. Always make sure yourapp has undergone the required testing to avoid further issues.
Unlike iOS making your app go live on android is less of a hassle as it doesn't consume muchtime majorly just a few hours after applying.
Once your app undergoes the testing and deployment it's time for some post-deployment workout.
What do we provide you with 3 month free post Launch support?
After a launch we provide you with post-launch support for 3 months for free in which we takecare to keep a periodic analysis of your app and give support for introducing new updates, bugfixing and making changes according to the user feedback.
Once this Free support duration gets over if you want to continue with the post-launch support,we need you to sign a maintenance contract that can protect the app holders. If any issue/bugappears then, it can be resolved immediately.